ANNOUNCEMENT: If you live outside of the Capital Circle loop or North of I-10, please contact us first to see if you are eligible for pick up.
Compost Pick Up Services
A Curbside Compost Pick Up Service designed to take your food scraps and lawn debris to convert into rich compost.
Why Compost?

There are so many benefits to composting
Composting reduces the amount of waste heading to landfills
Reduces trash collection costs for cities and municipalities
Strengthens plant roots & prevents plant disease
Composting Increases the local food supply
Composting reduces erosion
Composting reduces the effects of climate change through Carbon Sequestration (removal of harmful CO2 from atmosphere)
How It Works
1) You Sign Up, Get Your Bin
2) Collect Your Food Scraps
3) We Pick Up Weekly
4) You Earn Finished Compost
Note: (finished compost is earned after being in the program for 6 months.
Fresh compost material shrinks roughly 50% from its original weight
into finished compost)